Message from the President,
Tasia Tassova
Our ladies are accomplished professionals in the academic, artistic,business, or social realm.They are active members of the societies in their countries of origin and our global society.If requested by other associations, groups, and even the State and Government institutions, our great women will happily sharetheir expertise, knowledge and will support multilateral relations. Our vision is centred around our notion of the 'Great Woman', up to standardards we allcreate and endorse in the club, and try to live up to them in practice. We do not aim at an extended quantity of members,but rather concentrate on the qualities and values of our ladies. The social role model is for the great woman to be of good standing and a warm heart towards the less priveledged ones,participating in charitable and socially responsible activities with visible results and an impact to changing lives. In the dinamic world we live in, women play not only an important role, but in fact a role that cannot be suplanted nor emulated.Its uniqueness stems from the fact that it is an entertwined combination of many other, perhaps, smalleryet not less important roles and responsibities.The family centerted role for a happy woman consists of being a supportive wife, a successful mother, a caring daughter,while in our closer relationships outside of the family life the great woman is a loyal friend and why not a welcoming neighbour,treating all people kindly and with respect.At bottom of all as a solid basis stands the 'I' model. It is the corner stone around the self addressing to the fundamental question of 'Who am I'.Its answer is expected to be related to a well rounded and moderate woman who works on herself everyday towards becoming a better version of herself, notably,accomplished and happy, flourishing a classy woman with a higher status in the society. She will have achieved her status due to her meritsthrough her intellectual, artistic, entrepreneurial and management skills and the time and efforts dedicated to her goals.On the Great woman's list are also included respect for ecology and nature conservation,healthy lifestyle and daily routines towards a fullfilled and balanced lives, including self awareness, openness, couriosity to learn,beauty and etiquette in everything she does. For a shared wellbeing and a more meaningful life together, welcome to our Royalist Club for Women in Business to improve and growtogether to become even more successful professionals, wise senior managers, brave female entrepreneurs, accomplished academisc andtalented artists from inside out. Our activities are both private and open to the general public. The former are reserved to members: balls, meetings, networking events and learning courses,while the open ones are most often online events and gatherings regarding selected topics of interest, where men are also invited.Welcome to the Royalist Club for Women in Business! Tasia Tassova,President